Who Are We?

Tris Stock Hope I get at least some of this done before I die.
Tris Stock - Curmudgeon
Petal, my spaniel Are you going to eat that?
Petal - Curmudgeon
Gertie, the Transit Tris? Imma gonna f*** you up. The spaniel? She's good.
Gertie - Prospective Curmudgeon

What's The Plan?

Gertie's conversion from kitchen unit delivery vehicle, to luxury off-grid campervan, represents only the first stage in our journey. It is hoped that once completed, Gertie will be our itinerate home while we travel around Europe searching for our forever home on an abandoned farm, preferably somewhere warmer and drier.

Ford Transit technical drawing

STAGE ONE - Camper Conversion

Complete and fully document Gertie's conversion, building a network of like-minded supporters and brand partners to take with us on Stage Two of our journey. There will be a certain degree of crossover between Stages One and Two.

Business handshake

STAGE TWO - Transition

I need to build a business, to create an income sufficient to become a resident in our ultimate destination. It is hoped this will take many forms, from a branded line of merch and increased immersion with my partners, to creating a vanlife hub/workshop and a web hosting company.

Portuguese quinta

STAGE THREE - Homesteading

A Portuguse quinta with about a hectare of land is the present goal, but cost, time and experience could take us down an altogether different path. The cost of buying a run-down farm - and a progressive planning policy - may well dictate where in Europe we eventually settle. Getting started on homesteading will open up a new chapter in our lives.

The task ahead of me is monumental. I'll have to take each step at a time.


Where am I at?

Having procrastinated for the first half of the year since Gertie came into my life, and more recently having had the excuse of helping a friend move home, I am now ready to start work proper on Gertie's conversion.

Prior to all this, I had managed to get her into slightly better shape, with some new boots and laces (tyres and tracking), and have managed to clear and prepare her for the beginning of the build.

First things first, fitting the floor. I shall be video-blogging the process, to keep you all updated on my progress. In the meantime, I'll produce an introductory video as she is at the moment.



Companies That Tris Uses

This campervan conversion will only be possible with deep cooperations between Tris and any number of key partners.

As of today, the conversion being in its infancy, no partners have yet been confirmed. This section, then, is more a showcase for how I propose to offer value to prospective partners.